
20 de enero de 2007 • Recomendaciones de la Fecyt - Normalización de nombres de autores /normalizacion_nombre_autor.pdf Se trata de un documento que pretende reflejar unas mínimas recomendaciones para fomentar fórmulas de firma normalizada de los investigadores españoles en sus publicaciones científicas, tanto en lo que se refiere a nombres personales como institucionales. - Recomendaciones para las direcciones electrónicas y páginas web /recomendaciones_web.pdf Ambos documentos se pueden obtener en la siguiente dirección:

Antes de llevar adelante el proyecto, el equipo de IraLIS se documentó para conocer el estado del arte:
• Monografías
Jiménez Pelayo, Jesús; García Blanco, Rosa. El catálogo de autoridades: creación y gestión en unidades documentales. Trea, 2002, 84-9704-027-9

• Normativa – IFLA. Directrices para los registros de autoridad y referencia. Madrid: Anabad, Arco Libros, 1993. 46 p. ISBN 8476351321. Signatura en UPV 7-31/378B y 7-31/1201B

– IFLA. Directrices para los registros de autoridad y referencia de materia. Madrid: Anabad: Arco Libros, 1995. 76 p. ISBN 8476351720. Signatura en UPV 7-31/68B y 7-31/67B

– Directrices para registros de autoridad y referencias / IFLA. Ministerio de Cultura, 2004. (218 KB)

- Reglas de Catalogación. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 1999. (14,6 MB)

a. Primer apellido en diferentes idiomas, y cómo tratar las partículas (de, d', de la, van, mac...) b. Casos especiales: árabes, hindúes, indonesios, etc.

– Formato Ibermarc para registros de autoridades. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional, 1999. 1 v., ISBN 8488699441. Signatura en UPV 7-31/1057B, 1216B, 1451B…

• Congresos
International conference authority control: Definition and international experiences. Florence: Università degli studi di Firenze, Biblioteche, 2003. Papers

Byrum, John. NACO: a cooperative model for building and maintaining a shared name authority database.

Tillett, Barbara B. State of the art and new perspectives.

Taylor, Arlene G. Teaching authority control.

– Principios de catalogación de IFLA: pasos hacia un código internacional de catalogación: informe de la 1ª Reunión IFLA de expertos sobre un código internacional de catalogación, Frankfurt, 2003. Editado por Tillet, Barbara B.; Renate Gömpel, Renate; Oehlschläger, Susanne. Madrid: Subdirección general de coordinación bibliotecaria, 2005.

Tillett, Barbara B. Un fichero de autoridades internacional virtual, pp. 95-107.

Buizza, Pino; Gerrini, Mauro. Control de los puntos de acceso de autor y título, pp. 121-151.

Heijligers, Ton. ¿”Entrada principal” en el futuro?, pp. 153-158.


Artículos de revista y capítulos de libro

18 Leiva Aguilera, Javier (editor). “Et al. en los opacs” (Desde IweTel). En: El profesional de la información, 2006, mayo–junio, v. 15, n. 3, pp. 239–241.

17 Moed, Henk F. Problems with the names of authors and institutions, and with the delimitation of subfields (chapter 14). In: Citation analysis in research evaluation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005, pp. 181-189. See the full text part related to authors.

16 Caldwell, Tracey. STM giants focus on author ID. In: Information World Review; Jul/Aug 2006 Issue 226, p. 3-3, 1/4p NAICS/Industry Codes: 519190 All Other Information Services Abstract: The article focuses on the author identification tools launched by Elsevier and Thomson Scientific in Great Britain. The Author Identifier system of Elsevier identifies different authors sharing the same name. The authorship search tools of Thomson Scientific incudes Author Finder and Author Disambiguation. ISSN: 0950-9879 Accession Number: 21761838 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

15 New Scopus "Author identifier" vows users. In: Library Times International; Jul 2006, Vol. 23 Issue 1, pp. 10-11, 2p Company/Entity: SCOPUS (Company) Abstract: The article reports on the release of the new author identifier by Scopus which has received an enthusiastic response from customers. Scopus is the world's largest abstract and citation database of research information and quality Web sources. With the Scopus Author Identifier, it automatically differentiates between authors with the same name and matches over such a comprehensive body of data. Through its first release, the company has achieved an extraordinary level of precision with over 99 percent with assurance that records are matched to the correct author. Moreover, by using the identifier researchers can work with the confidence in getting the comprehensive and accurate information as quickly as possible. ISSN: 0743-4839 Accession Number: 22347672 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

14 Jingfeng Xia. Personal name identification in the practice of digital repositories. In: Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems; 2006, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p 256-267, 12pp NAICS/Industry Codes: 711510 Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers 519120 Libraries and Archives, 519190 All Other Information Services Abstract: To propose improvements to the identification of authors' names in digital repositories. Design/methodology/approach-- Analysis of current name authorities in digital resources, particularly in digital repositories, and analysis of some features of existing repository applications. Findings-- This paper finds that the variations of authors' names have negatively affected the retrieval capability of digital repositories. Two possible solutions include using composite identifiers that combine author name, publication date, and author affiliation, and also asking authors to input the variants of their name, if any, at the time of depositing articles. Originality/value-- This is the first time that the approach of authors self-depositing their name variations is proposed. This approach will be able to reduce confusions in name identification. Author Affiliations: Reference/Instruction Librarian (Social Sciences) at Dana Library of Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. ISSN: 0033-0337 Accession Number: 22564251 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

13 Hickey, Thomas B.; Toves, Jenny; O'Neill, Edward T. NACO normalization: a detailed examination of the authority file comparison rules. In: Library Resources & Technical Services; Jul 2006, Vol. 50 Issue 3, pp. 166-172, 7p Abstract: Normalization rules are essential for interoperability between bibliographic systems. In the process of working with Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) authority files to match records with Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) and developing the Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (FAST) subject heading schema, the authors found inconsistencies in independently created NACO normalization implementations. Investigating these, the authors found ambiguities in the NACO standard that need resolution, and came to conclusions on how the procedure could be simplified with little impact on matching headings. To encourage others to test their software for compliance with the current rules, the authors have established a Web site that has test files and interactive services showing their current implementation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Author Affiliations: Chief Scientist, Consulting Research Scientist, Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center ISSN: 0024-2527 Accession Number: 21260420 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

12 Ruiz-Pérez, R.; Delgado López-Cózar, E.; Jiménez-Contreras, E. Spanish personal name variations in national and international biomedical databases: implications for information retrieval and bibliometric studies. In: Journal of the Medical Library Association; October 2002, Vol. 90 Issue 4, p. 411-430, 20p,; Abstract: Reports a study aimed at investigating how Spanish names are handled by national and international databases and at identifying mistakes that can undermine the usefulness of these databases for locating and retrieving works by Spanish authors. Reviews 172 articles published by authors from the University of Granada Medical School from 1987-1996, and analyzes the variations in how each of their names was indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI), Medline, and Índice Médico Español (IME). The number and types of variants that appeared for each author's name were recorded and compared across databases to identify inconsistencies in indexing practices. Examines the relationship between variability (number of variants of an author's name) and productivity (number of items the name was associated with as an author), the consequences for retrieval of information, and the most frequent indexing structures used for Spanish names. Results show that retrievability on the basis of author's name is poor in all three databases. Each database uses accurate indexing methods, but the methods fail to result in consistency or coherence for specific entries. Likely causes of inconsistency include: (1) use by authors of variants of their names during their publication careers; (2) lack of authority control in all three databases; (3) the use of an inappropriate indexing method for Spanish names in SCI; (4) authors' inconsistent behaviors; and (5) possible editorial interventions by some journals. Offers some suggestions for averting the proliferation of author name variants in the databases. Publisher's URL: Author Affiliations: Universidad de Granada, E-18071. Granada, Spain ISSN: 1536-5050 Accession Number: ISTA3802003 Persistent link to this record: Available in open access: E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science):

11 Ruiz-Pérez, R. Consequences for applying cataloguing codes for author entries to the Spanish National Library online catalogs. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly; 2001, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p31-55, 25p Abstract: Reports on an empirical study of a sample of catalog records which investigates the implications for information retrieval of the rules for choosing author access points in online catalogs. Aims to obtain data that can be used to inform a revision of current cataloging rules and to propose more functional criteria aimed at improving the retrieval of information located on the basis of author names. Examines 838 records from the Spanish National Library to analyze the use of authorities as access points, classifying authors as creative or non-creative to facilitate the analysis of author source location, potential author access points, actual entries used in the record, and loss of potential entry points. Finds that a significant proportion of potential access points from the table of contents and the title page went unused. If access points from these sources were used, author indexes would be more complete and accurate, and retrieval with online catalogs would be more efficient. Suggests that losses for creative authors result from neglect of the table of contents as a source of entries, strict application of the rule of three, and other specific factors, and that losses for non-creative authors stem from ambiguities and gaps in current cataloging rules for choosing added author entries. Concludes that the results support the urgent need to revise cataloging rules for author access points to make them more flexible, more practical, and more in line with actual responsibility functions and types of authorship. Notes: Publisher's URL: Author Affiliations: University of Granada, Spain E-18071 ISSN: 0163-9374 Accession Number: ISTA3701417 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

10 Piternick, A. B. Name of an author! In: Indexer; Oct 1992, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p 95-100, 6pp. Abstract: This paper presents facts and findings about authors that in some way relate to, or are derived from, their names. Topics covered are pseudonyms, the treatment of names of co-authors and multiple authors and of ghosts and other non-corporeal authors, and citation. A final note touches on some of the problems of handling authors' names in catalogues and indexes. Author Affiliation: Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver ISSN: 0019-4131 Accession Number: ISTA2800053 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

9 Lau, Sh.; Wang, V. Chinese personal names and titles: problems in cataloging and retrieval. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly; 1991, Vol. 13 Issue 2, pp. 45-65, 21p Abstract: The increasing availability of Chinese language materials and other materials of Chinese authorship in North American libraries are posing major complications for cataloging which lead to retrieval problems, as exemplified by Chinese personal names and titles in this study. These complications include: the intricate nature of the Chinese script along with the extensive use of the traditional and simplified Chinese characters, and the application of variant romanization schemes, including Pinyin. Proposed solutions to improve access to Chinese language materials include: providing more access points in Pinyin form, establishing standards for international practice in romanizing Chinese personal names and in publishing the order of the family and given names of all authors, and linking cataloging authority files with OPACs. Notes: Update Code: 2600 Author Affiliations: Memphis State Univ. Libraries, Memphis, TN ISSN: 0163-9374 Accession Number: ISTA2604308 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

8 Messmer, Gabriele. The German Name Authority File (PND) in the Bavarian Union Catalogue: Principles, Experiences, and Costs. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly; 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, pp. 421-427, 7p Abstract: Short overview of the library situation in the Bavarian Library Network and the authority files used in German libraries. It deals with the implementation of the authority file for personal names into the Bavarian Union Catalogue and the experiences in using it. Finally, it looks into costs and benefits of the use of authority files in the Bavarian Network Catalogue. Author Affiliations: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ISSN: 0163-9374 DOI: 10.1300/J104v39n01_10 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

7 Strunk, K. Control of personal names. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly; 1991, Vol. 14, Issue 2, p63-79, 17p Abstract: This investigation deals with control of personal names occurring in Danish books catalogued according to the Danish version of AACR2. A systematic sample was taken from 'The Danish national bibliography. Books. The five year list' and examined to determine how often documents with form problems in personal names occur, and, to reveal how personal names distribute on types of form problems. The results show that the most frequent problem is that names are not sufficient for identification, and that theoretically more interesting problems such as names not written in the Roman alphabet or several names used by the same author occur more seldom. Author Affiliation: Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen ISSN: 0163-9374 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

6 Moore, D. The indexing of Welsh personal names. In: Indexer; Apr 1990, Vol. 17 Issue 1, pp. 12-20, 9p Abstract: Problems unique to indexing Welsh personal names are described. The Welsh patronymic system of identity is presented. The value of pseudonym in Wales is noted. The mutation or changing of the initial letter of a word in certain phonetic and syntactic contexts is examined. ISSN: 0019-4131 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

5 Fuller, E. E. Variation in personal names in works represented in the catalog. In: Cataloging & classification quarterly; 1989, Vol. 9 Issue 3, pp. 75-96, 22 pp. Abstract: This study determines the extent to which persons' names appear in different forms in their works, and examines the types of differences among the forms of those names that do appear in more than one way. A sample taken from the University of Chicago library is the basis of the study. The study also categorizes the differences among the forms of those names that do appear in more than one way. Author Affiliations: Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL ISSN: 0163-9374 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

4 Chan, L. M. Principles, form, and structure. Proper names in subject headings Library of Congress Subject Headings. 2nd ed; 1986 Abstract: This chapter discusses and presents numerous examples of the types of proper name headings used in subject headings. These names include personal names, names of corporate bodies, geographic names, names of works established as uniform titles, and names of individual entities Book Published by Libraries Unlimited, Inc., United States, 1986 Notes: Place of Publication: United States Update Code: 2100 ISBN: 0872875431 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

3 Agenbroad, J. E. Personal names and the Chinese character code for information interchange. Vol. 1: (CCCII/1): Adequacy and implications. In: Journal of library & information science (03633640); Oct 1981, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p152-160, 9p Abstract: This paper has two purposes. First it reports the results of a little experiment to test whether or not the first volume of the Chinese Character Code for Information Interchange (referred to hereafter as CCCII/1) contains the characters needed to represent a small sample of Chinese personal names. The second purpose is to consider some of the available alternative responses when the characters needed for a particular purpose, e.g., to catalog a book, are absent. Author Affiliation: Automated System Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC ISSN: 0363-3640 Persistent link to this record: Database Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

2 IFLA. Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 3rd edition. Isbn 0-903043-10-6. 1977. Ifla International Office for Ubc, C/o British Library, Reference Division, Great Russell Street, London Wc1b 3dg. 193 P. 11.00; $20.00; 1977 Document Type: Book Abstract: This manual has its origins in the international conference on cataloguing principles, paris, 1961, which adopted as section 12 of its statement of principles, a formula for determining the entry-word for personal names in an alphabetical catalogue of books. A provisional edition of the manual appeared in 1963 followed by a definitive edition, published in 1967. The publication of this third edition reflects the progress towards the development and acceptance of standard cataloguing practices in the last ten years, as well as the efforts towards the standardization of bibliographic description. This manual is arranged alphabetically by the name of each country in its official language, romanized where necessary. The only exception to the arrangement by country is the entry under arabic names. For each entry. The first part is called 'name elements' and treats the elements normally forming part of a name. The second part is called 'order of elements in catalogue headings the examples given are the same as those used in the first part, but are illustrative and not prescriptive. The third part gives information on all or some of the following: the national cataloguing code: romanization schemes in use; an authority file of names; authorities for establishing rules about names; and sources and recommended references. Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

1 Blanken, Robert R. The preparation of international author indexes, with particular reference to the problems of transliteration, prefixes, and compound family names. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science; Jan/Feb1971, Vol. 22 Issue 1, pp. 51-63, 13 pp. Abstract: Based on a review of variations in national usage, the practices followed by 19 English-language abstracting and indexing services, and typical problems encountered by an indexer in the entry of foreign personal names, it is concluded that the entry of all prefixes regardless of nationality may be the wisest procedure for the average author index. A strong plea is made for increased standardization in the transliteration of Slavic, Greek, and Oriental names and for "correction" of the transliterated names of authors publishing in languages other than their own. The determination of the correct entry element for the compound sur- names found in many nationalities is felt to be an almost insoluble problem unless the authors and publishers cooperate in indicating the desired indexing format. A general consideration of these problems and of indexing theory, as well as of the principles of transliteration and transcription, is followed by guidelines designed to help the practicing indexer improve the consistency of personal name entries; these guide- lines are arranged by language family on the basis of whether the author's native language and the language of the article are written in Roman script. ISSN: 0002-8231 Persistent link to this record: Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts